What is behind the name for the Nebula Gem Sleeper Earrings - HerbertandWilks Jewellery

What is behind the name for the Nebula Gem Sleeper Earrings

You might be wondering—why "Nebula Gem Sleeper Earrings"? Let me share a bit of the story behind them.

A nebula is this incredible cloud of gas and dust out in space, often where stars are born. They’re some of the most mesmerising things you’ll ever see, with these intricate, colourful patterns that look almost like cosmic art.

When I was a kid, I was completely fascinated by the Stars and Moon. I used to dream about adventuring into space, and I love that humans first walked on the moon on my birthday, July 20th—that love for all things cosmic has never really gone away. Even now, I’m a huge fan of science fiction. So, when it came time to name one of my collections, I just had to go with something that reflected this lifelong fascination—hence, the Celestial collection was created.

The Nebula Gem Sleeper Earrings are special to me with my quest to learn new techniques and add pops of colour to my work. Each earring has a hand-textured, scribbled disc that’s meant to remind you of the random, beautiful patterns you’d see in a nebula. And just like nebulae, no two pairs of these earrings are exactly alike. The Blue Sapphire, Ruby, or Teal Sapphire set into each one acts as the "star" of the design, shining brightly against the textured background—kind of like how stars shine within a nebula.

If you are wondering which pair I choose to wear its the Nebula Gem Sleeper earrings set with Rubies - July Baby here ;-)

Naming them after a nebula felt right because it ties them back to that sense of wonder and endless possibilities that space always brought me. Plus, it gives them this fantastic connection to the infinite beauty of the universe.

If you’re curious, check out the Nebula Gem Sleeper Earrings yourself and see what I mean! They’re more than just jewellery—they’re a little piece of the cosmos you can wear.

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