Next to sound judgement, diamonds and pearls are the rarest things in the world.

Next to sound judgement, diamonds and pearls are the rarest things in the world.

~ Jean de la Bruyère
During the 17th-century, both diamonds and pearls were extremely rare (especially when you compare to the quantity of both gemstones available today). While both gemstones aren’t as rare as they once were, the same probably cannot be said for sound judgment!


Pearls of Wisdom...

"Pearls never look out of place as a jewellery adornment."


Pearls are unique among gemstones originating from the sea, formed in the soft tissue of a living organism, and not mined from the depths of the earth. They require no cutting or polishing to reveal their lustrous beauty.



Pearls have been used in jewellery at least as far back as Ancient Greece times and was considered one of the most valued gems in many cultures. Known as the Pearl Age the sixteenth century in England reflected the prestige carried by these beautiful pearls.

 The birthstone for June, Pearls in ancient civilisations symbolised the moon and were believed to have magical properties.

Pearls are also believed to symbolise purity, clarity, and loyalty, making them ideal for Wedding jewellery or a great gift for anyone born in this month.


Caring for your Pearl Jewellery

Pearls are organic gemstones and as a result are vulnerable to the acid in perspiration or extremes in humidity.

  1. To maintain your pearls lustrous glow avoid letting them coming into contact with cosmetics, hair spray or perfume. Work on the principal last on and first off!
  2. Keep your pearls away from extreme heat (ie Style your hair before you put on pearls or leave your jewellery lying in the sun).
  3. A quick gentle wipe with a soft cloth helps maintain the lustre of your pearls.
  4. Wear your Pearls often otherwise they may dehydrate and lose their radiance.

Pearls are wonderfully unique gemstones that are as durable as they are sensitive. With the right care, your pearls will stay gorgeous for decades and achieve heirloom status


I would love to know what your favourite style of pearl jewellery is?
Let me know on Instagram, Facebook or reply to my email

Mine is definitely the Alba Ring 🙂

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